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Moth Balls

Do I Need Year-Round Protection from Moths?

Moth Balls NZ - clothes moth 2Moths are the sneaky, soundless closet invaders that you often don’t know about until it’s too late. You pick up your favourite shirt to wear, and it falls apart in your hands. But do you need year-round protection from these sneaky pests, or is there a particular time of year you need to be more careful? This article will discuss how to eliminate moths, and how you can keep your precious clothes in pristine condition.

Moth Season: When Are They Most Active?

Generally, moth activity does tend to peak during the warmer months. These cheeky little insects lay their eggs in natural fibres like wool, silk & cotton. The egg cycle is anywhere from 5 to 22 days and once they hatch into hungry larvae, it’s too late for your wardrobe. They munch away, enjoying your most prized possessions. For this reason, spring and summer are the months they are the most active, but if you want the ultimate protection, it’s  best to have year-round protection. Luckily, it’s easy to do so with our moth balls

How to fight moths, all year round. 

  • Regular Cleaning and Inspection: Prevention is better than a cure, right? Make sure to regularly clean out your wardrobe, drawers, or anywhere else you store clothes. Shake your clothes, and inspect them closely for eggs. Anything that has been stored for an extended period is prime bait for them, so take care when switching wardrobes and where possible, keep your clothes well organised and well-lit. 
  • Proper Storage: Use airtight storage containers where possible. Vacuum bags are a great way to keep your clothes protected. Even better, put some of our lavender-scented or natural cedar wood moth balls into the container or bag before you seal it.
  • Moth balls, They really do work: As mentioned above, moth balls can be a game changer to protect your clothes. They’re not the horrible old stinky chemical balls that they used to be. These days, there are a range of delicious-smelling natural alternatives. You can see our full range of options to eliminate moths on our website. 
  • Vacuum and Deep Clean: Cleaning is crucial to keeping moths at bay. We all vacuum the house regularly but don’t forget your closet. Keep things off the ground, and pay attention to the corners or seams of the carpet when vacuuming. 
  • Regular Rotation: Moths enjoy deep dark spaces where nothing moves and they can really get to work on your clothing. Rotating your closet items can help to keep them at bay. Move things around once a month, or seasonally, to aid in moth protection. 


But what if they’ve already invaded? 

Sneaky little critters have already made it inside? Don’t despair, there are still steps you can take to eliminate clothes moths, even when they have already taken hold. 

  • Identify Infested Clothing: First, you must of course identify the clothes that have been infected. Remove them from your closet ASAP and make sure to check surrounding clothing for any signs of damage.  
  • Freeze or Heat Treatment: Moths hate extreme temperatures. Whether its extreme heat OR extreme cold, they simply do not like it. Therefore a good option is to freeze the infested items for a few days, or even place them in the dryer on max heat setting.
  • Professional Cleaning: Sometimes it’s better to leave things to the professionals. Consider sending your clothes to the dry cleaner, but make sure to tell them they have been infested, so they can reduce the risk of other items in their care being ruined. 

To summarise, moths are something you need to consider year-round protection from. They are an ongoing threat to your possessions no matter the season. Using a combination of our steps above, as well as adding in quality protection such as our cedar wood moth balls, you can ensure your valuable items will remain in pristine condition, long term. 

Remember, prevention is better than cure, so invest a little of your time and a small amount of money and you won’t be having nightmares about moth-ridden wardrobes. 


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