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Cedar Moth Balls: A Gift of Protection

Moth Balls NZ - gift

The holiday season is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. This year, why not consider giving a gift that’s not only thoughtful but also practical? Introducing our cedar moth balls – a unique and effective way to show your friends and family that you care about their clothes and belongings. In this article, we’ll explore the idea of giving the gift of moth protection with cedar moth balls, specifically in New Zealand.

Why Cedar Wood?

Cedar wood has long been known for its natural moth-repellent properties. Its aromatic scent not only adds a touch of rustic charm to any space but also works wonders in keeping those pesky moths at bay. When you give cedar moth balls as a gift, you’re not just giving a present; you’re giving the gift of preserved clothing and peace of mind.

Moth Balls New Zealand: A Local Solution

The common clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) is one of the most aggressive species and can be found across the world. Even in New Zealand, we are not immune to the havoc they can cause in the wardrobe. As Kiwi’s we love to shop local, so we wanted to provide a range of options for your wardrobe. Whilst giving mothballs as a gift may seem a bit strange, they really can be the perfect stocking stuffer for your friends and family this Christmas. 

Moth Repellent NZ: Protecting More Than Just Clothes

While cedar moth balls are renowned for their ability to protect clothing, they have a broader range of applications. These versatile little wonders can also safeguard your linens, blankets, and even your favourite rugs. By gifting moth repellent solutions like cedar moth balls, you’re helping your loved ones preserve their cherished possessions.

How to Give the Gift of Moth Protection

Now that you’re convinced of the merits of cedar moth balls, it’s time to discuss how to make this gift extra special:32 Red Cedar Wood Balls - Moth Repellent

  • Personalise it: Consider adding a personal touch by placing the cedar moth balls in a decorative pouch or container. You can even include a heartfelt note explaining the significance of your gift.
  • Pair it with other goodies: Enhance your gift by pairing cedar moth balls with other items, such as lavender sachets, scented candles, or storage accessories. Create a complete package that showcases your thoughtfulness.
  • Educate your loved ones: Along with the gift, provide a brief explanation of how cedar moth balls work and the benefits they offer. Knowledge is a gift in itself.
  • Share your story: If you’ve had a positive experience using cedar moth balls, share your own story. This personal touch can make the gift even more meaningful.


So, this holiday season, think about giving the gift of protection with cedar moth balls. Not only are you offering a practical solution to a common problem, but you’re also spreading the love and care that the holidays are all about. Check out our full range today!


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